There's never been as many choices for the kids of today. Our guide will tell you what's available for children of different age groups, from 3 to 12 yrs old. It will tell you what to look for, what to buy, and more importantly, what not to buy!

Which size bike does my child require?
Children's bikes are generally measured by wheel size, rather than by frame size. Remember children do grow very quickly and you need to take this into consideration when buying a kids bike, However, if you buy a bike that is simply too big for your child, you will compromise your child's safety, and ultimately discourage your child from cycling.
Age of child   Wheel size
2 to 4 years 12 inches
3 to 5 years 14 inches
4 to 7 years 16 inches
5 to 8 years 18 inches
6 to 10 years 20 inches
10 to 13 years 24 inches

Which size bike do I require?
Adults bikes are generally measured by frame size. This is normally the measurement between the centre of the bottom bracket to the top of the seat tube.
Riders height
in feet and inches  
Mainly off-road use (26" wheels)
Frame size required
Mainly on-road use (26" wheels)
Frame size required
Road racing bikes 700c
Frame size required
Up to 5 feet 3 up to 14 inches up to 15 inches (42 cm) up to 50 cm
5 feet 3 to 5 feet 6 14 to 16 inches 15 to 17 inches (40 to 46 cm)  50 to 53cm
5 feet 6 to 5 feet 9 16 to 18 inches 17 to 19 inches (44 to 50 cm) 53 to 56 cm
5 feet 9 to 6 feet 18 to 20 inches 19 to 21 inches (48 to 54 cm) 56 to 59 cm
above 6 foot above 20 inches 21 inches /52 cm 58 cm +